get off

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get off

  1. välttyä jltk, päästä jstk, päästä kuin koira veräjästä, säästyä, välttyä, päästä, selvitä, välttää, karttaa, vältellä, lähettää, toimittaa, postittaa, lähettää diplomaattipostissa, poistua, mennä, lähteä, mennä ulos, mennä pois kyydistä.

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päästä, välttyä jltk, selvitä


mennä pois kyydistä puhekieltä To move from being on top of (something) to not being on top of it.

Get off your chair and help me.

puhekieltä To move (something) from being on top of (something else) to not being on top of it.

''Could you get the book off the top shelf for me?

puhekieltä To disembark, especially from mass transportation, such as a bus or train.

You get off the train at the third stop.

When we reach the next stop, well get off.''

puhekieltä To stop (doing something), to desist from (doing something).

This is where you get off ordering me about!

2001, w:Ken Follett|Ken Follett, w:Jackdaws Jackdaws, Dutton, ISBN 0525946284, page 140,
"And you're the only person in the country who can do it."
"Get off," she said skeptically.
puhekieltä To stop using a piece of equipment, such as a telephone or computer.

Can you get off the phone, please? I need to use it urgently.

puhekieltä To complete a shift or a day's work.

If I can get off early tomorrow, Ill give you a ride home.''

puhekieltä To stop touching or interfere interfering with something or someone.

Dont tickle me – get off!''

puhekieltä To excite or arouse, especially in a sexual manner.

Catwomans costume really gets me off.''

puhekieltä To experience an orgasm or other sexual pleasure; to become sexually aroused.

You are not allowed to get off in my bedroom.

It takes more than a picture in a girlie magazine for me to get off.

puhekieltä To kiss; to smooch.

Id like to get off with him after the party.''

puhekieltä To escape (with usually only mild consequences).

The vandal got off easy, with only a fine.

to get off easily from a trial

You got off lightly by not being kept in detention for breaking that window.

puhekieltä To fall asleep.

If I wake up during the night, I cannot get off again.

puhekieltä To behave in an presumptuous, rude, or intrusive manner.

Where do you get off talking to me like that?

puhekieltä To utter; to discharge.

to get off a joke


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